Designations can get you a better salary?

On average, people who have professional designations earn approximately 20% more than their undesignated counterparts.

As we enter the month of June, we turn our attention to the valuable world of designations within the contact centre industry. Designations not only recognize expertise and proficiency but also provide individuals with a competitive edge and organizations with a benchmark for excellence and South Africa has a burgeoning contact centre enterprise that brings valuable jobs and opportunities to individuals and businesses alike.

In this edition, we explore the significance of contact centre designations, the process of obtaining them, and how to maintain their relevance in a rapidly evolving industry.

Why are Designations Valuable?

Designations serve as a testament to an individual's knowledge, skills, and experience in their respective fields. They provide a tangible demonstration of expertise and dedication, giving professionals a distinct advantage when it comes to career progression and opportunities for growth. Let's look at some statistics from various industries to highlight the benefits of earning a designation:

Business Analysis: According to the International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA), business analysts who hold the Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) designation earn an average of 19% higher salaries compared to their non-designated counterparts. Designations in business analysis also contribute to improved job satisfaction and increased employability.

Project Management: The Project Management Institute (PMI) conducted a survey (Reference 2) that revealed project managers with the Project Management Professional (PMP) designation earn 22% higher median salaries compared to those without the designation. The survey also found that organizations with more certified project managers have higher project success rates.

Banking: In the banking industry, professionals who hold designations such as the Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) often experience enhanced career prospects and increased earning potential. According to a survey by the CFA Institute, CFA charter holders earn a median total compensation that is approximately 54% higher than non-charter holders.

Customer Experience (CX): While specific statistics regarding the impact of designations in the CX field are limited, it is widely recognized that professionals with relevant designations, such as Certified Customer Experience Professionals (CCXP), possess a deep understanding of customer-centric strategies and are better equipped to drive customer satisfaction and loyalty.

These statistics demonstrate the significant advantages that designated professionals enjoy in terms of higher salaries, improved job satisfaction, increased project success rates, and enhanced career prospects.

How to obtain a Designation

The journey towards earning a designation involves a combination of education, experience, and demonstrated competence. The specific requirements may vary based on the industry and the designation sought. Here are some general steps to consider:

  1. Research and Choose the Right Designation: Explore the available designations in the Contact Centre Industry and assess their relevance to your career goals and industry standards. Review the 5 designations offered by the CCMG and endorsed by SAQA.
  2. Fulfil the Eligibility Criteria: Review the eligibility criteria for the designation that will support your career. This may include a minimum level of education, work experience, or specific skills and competencies.
  3. Complete Required Training or Education: Designations often require the completion of specific training programs, courses, or educational modules. These programs are designed to equip candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills required for the designation.
  4. Prepare for Examinations or Assessments: Most designations involve rigorous examinations or assessments to evaluate the candidate's understanding of industry concepts, best practices, and standards. Prepare diligently by studying relevant materials, attending preparation courses, and utilizing practice exams.
  5. Maintain Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Once designated, it is essential to engage in continuous learning and professional development activities. This ensures that your knowledge and skills remain current and aligned with industry advancements.

Keeping your Designation Current

Earning a designation is not the end of the journey; it marks the beginning. Step forward in your career, knowing you have the confidence to excel.

To learn more about Designations, contact the CCMG today on 010 003 0020 or